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Monday, February 15, 2021

Lesson 3 Loving Relationships - Special to Holy


Lesson 3



Creating a holy relationship demands a stabilizing of your own emotions.  Psychic shock absorbers are going to be a necessity.

    So, we will need to review the Deadly Cycle of devolving focus into problems rather than solutions, and then once again review the alternative called the Healing Cycle of acceptance, forgiveness and peace. I’ll give you a quick review here, but for more detail you can find this in another mini course, “Who’s Minding Your Mind?”

        The Deadly Cycle starts with a simple choice that leads to tragic results – we close ourselves to the full experience of our spiritual reality and narrow our vision to a limited view of ourselves and our world. Now we feel separated from God and in our truncated viewpoint God must be really unhappy with us. We feel guilt. We fear his retaliation and we cunningly point the guilt finger (anger) at everyone else to redirect God’s retribution. You can see how this viewpoint can mess up any and all relationships. Whew! Nasty.

        The Healing Cycle is simple and quick, provided we make this our choice. Pronto. Recognize we need a pair of spiritual glasses, ask for the powerful Knower within to give us new sight and wha la! We feel connected, free of guilt and unworthiness and no longer need to find fault with and be angry with the world around us, and especially the people we are supposed to love.

By a practical, step by step process anyone stop rocking his or her emotional boat.  From this placid position the world and the people who surround you can be seen with clarity and serenity.

Surprise, surprise!  Clarity brings insight followed by appropriate decisions.  And the individuals who come into your life can be experienced accurately.

Acquaintances, friends and lovers will fall naturally into the right categories.  No more stretching and squeezing yourself into relationships that simply don’t fit - everything is now customed sized. Relationships become holy.

Questions to Contemplate and Discuss


1.    Review the Deadly Cycle and then just take note of how often you find yourself in one of its parts – guilt, fear, anger.


2.   In order for us to perceive holiness we must be willing for a new perspective to be given to us. Are you willing to be wrong about your assement of your partner?


3.   Once more create a prayer for the willingness to accept we may be wrong so that an opening for a new perspective can be received.

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