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to order these two extraordinary books just click on the photos to the left. . .

Looking for Jesus - His Day and Times (in both ebook and papaerback)

      More than 10,000 global readers followed this for this easy to read look at Jesus by the 'armchair' scholar, Bette Jean Cundiff!

      Probably like you, I have had my share of inner, spiritual, hard to explain experiences. For me, that has led me to write several books based on my own mystical experiences with Jesus. Well, that is not what ‘Looking for Jesus' is about, much of it has been by well meaning followers of the Jesus movement, right from the get go. I want to discover what he actually said back then, as best I can. Here are some of my section titles: Jesus - the Jewish Kid Next Door; Did Jesus go to India and Tibet?; Saturday Night Live with Jesus on the Mountain; Pontius Pilate - a Day at the Office. As one reader said, ". . .this makes Jesus truly tangible".

     . . .and for another perspective on Jesus, try this elegant and poetic personal view from Bette Jean Cundiff. . .


From an interview with the author, Bette Jean Cundiff, on how she wrote this grace filled book.

“. . .the Presence was comforting and oh so much more powerful than when I received the original children’s version of A Course in Miracles. A sense that Jesus was with me in the room was almost overwhelming and yet gentle at the same time.
            Did I see him? Not really – I simply felt him. And not just him! There was Mary also, with me, talking to me – not in words that I could hear in my ears, but in my heart and perhaps, imagination would be the right example, here.
            . . .I did need to edit slightly Mary’s contribution. She was like a ‘Jewish’ mamma, every sentence seemed to start breathlessly with, ‘and then’. So, for the sake of a smoother flow of information I left out the ‘and then’s’. I didn’t think she would mind. . .
            The story they shared with me built from a gentle sense of family life, to the challenges Jesus felt in sharing his message, to the tragic pain of fear and loss for Mary, to the eventual exultant release for them both.
            . . .though not a long book, I couldn’t help feeling that it answered so many of my own questions about Jesus and his mother Mary, and perhaps also for those readers who may find this little book. . .”

And now a selection from the beginning of this book. . .

. . .This story is but an illusion, for in Reality all life within the world of form and matter is but a dream played against a backdrop of hope or doubt, joy or pain, love or fear.

Emotions form the world and our thoughts fill in the detailsTheir story was no more and no less than ours. We fill in the world with our thoughts and see what we wish.

This is the story of God’s children, like ourselves who chose to find their way Home.
This is the story of a son and his mother who felt their Father’s Love within every aspect of Creation. This is the story of two who knew Reality and also knew It must be shared.

Their story is our story, for they reflect us in every detail. We are the same, and we are indivisible. May their lives help each of us to understand our own, and speed our Journey Home.
 And so their story begins. . .

My name is Jesus.
I was born of woman. My mother bore me as all other women had before and will again. She was young but wise beyond her years. . .

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