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Monday, October 19, 2020

A Course in Miracles for Children and A Course in Miracles for Young Readers

    After 42  ‘A Course in Miracles for Children’ and ‘ A Course in Miracles for Young Readers’ get new looks!

        Yes, 42 years ago I had the honor of creating these two Miracle Courses for the coming generations who will face a constantly challenging world. Thousands off families have enjoyed these books over the years, and once more the time came to update the look of these Miracle Courses with new 'faces' but without changing all the same uplifting gifts they have offered for 42 years.

         A Course in Miracles for Children includes fourteen Miracle Fables featuring the adventures of Little Lamb as he helps the animals of the forest. A year of fun, rhymey workbook Lessons follows, and a section of color, cut and learn projects that reinforce the miracle concepts complete the Course. There are instructions for the adults who work with the children, also. 

         "Help is on the Way, A Course in Miracles for Young Readers” offers concepts and yearly lessons as part of an easy to read novel that follows Jerry as he is helped to learn how to handle his problems by an older teen named Wil. Each chapter also offers a few questions for the reader to consider and discuss with an adult.

         Both these Miracles Course have a Spanish translation included at the end of each book.

         Why not help the next generations bring peace to the world by giving just one or both of these books to a child in your family, or to a neighbor who would like it, or to a church or to a library in your neighborhood.

         Together we can bring peace to the coming generations.

        (You can find these books at -


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