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Sunday, September 20, 2020

Lesson 8 - "Who's Minding Your Mind"

 Something short and sweet to remember as we end this mini course. . .


Three important points



          You are  a child of the Most High.  You are divinely royal by birthright.  You do not have to fight to gain or maintain this title.  All the rights, privileges and rewards of being divine are automatically yours.  Because of Who your Parent is you naturally inherit all of Its qualities - you are Spirit, your mind is all encompassing, you have the ability to co-create, you lack nothing!



          With the rights and privileges of divinity come the responsibility to use your power appropriately and wisely.  Each day you awaken to a Universe that  trembles with anticipation awaiting your divine direction and  will respond to your slightest command. The order or chaos of a whole Universe and all within it are your responsibility!



          Your mind is under your control at all times.  No one else can affect you.  There are no evil energies sucking away your power like psychic vampires. 

You can choose the Deadly Cycle all on your own and suffer the consequences. 

Or you can choose the Healing Cycle and once more reclaim your divine title and crown.


Look for the other mini courses by Bette Jean Cundiff that help explain and apply the complex concepts of  “A Course in Miracles” in clear, fun and easy to understand format.  You can find these on her website at:


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