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Monday, May 15, 2023

The Guilt that 'Gets Ya'!


There I was having a really nice day when I remembered a really bad decision I made years and years ago. BLAM! The humiliation, the rage, the debilitating guilt just seemed to blossom like a  mushroom cloud over an atomic bomb. I needed an emotional lifesaver. So, I asked my Inner Voice and out of left field it gave me this:

          The world is one humongous school room stuffed with lab experiments. We are not born with instructions. Our parents, siblings, friends, and the world at large have no instructions either. Making mistakes in life is how we discover what works and what doesn’t.

Happily, we have been given an Inner Voice to push us toward the right decisions. Guilt, anger, and fear are all emotional red flags signally failed experiments reminding us to ask our Inner Voice for help.

So, instead of dwelling on all my failures, and wallowing in the pain and humiliations of past disasters and tragedies, the Universe suggested I try this outside-the-box perspective:

Honor these uncomfortable memories. They were attempts toward survival that backfired! What to do with those leftover painful memories? Allow my Inner Voice to show me the innocent child within that made a mistake as part of my training program. Make amends where necessary and, oh boy, have some compassion for all the stupid and tragic mistakes others make, also.

How to not make mistakes in the future? Notice when guilt feelings begin to arise and STOP. Those yucky emotions are warning me to change directions.

So, I will, and I will choose once again, this time with Help.


Enjoy this ‘Snippet’ of deeper concepts. For more ‘Snippets’ as well as books and mini courses explaining the concepts in ‘A Course in Miracles’ metaphysics and more, just go to my website:


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