'A Course in Miracles' support groups are great until the dreaded conflicts in understand of wording and concept rile up a group meeting. So, to help just a little bit this resource, “The Nutshell Dictionary” covers 80+ words and phrases that are easily misunderstood and can lead to confusion over what in the world this Course is really saying. Created for my students over my 40 years of teaching the Course, you will find them consistent with any offered by the excellent and experienced teachers running groups today.
Easy to read, easy to find on my site, easy to pull up in the middle of a group brouhaha. This limited dictionary is intended to clarity the use of some of the words used in “A Course in Miracles”. These words and phrases usually have a very different meaning from common use. Without understanding how the “Course” uses these words, an incorrect interpretation of concept can occur.
Periodically, I will post a section of the Dictionary and give you a taste of how it can help. Let's start today with a quick definition and some phrases under the letter "A".
"A Course in Miracles”- a definition in ten words:
A meditative discipline
for releasing guilt, fear, anger through forgiveness
ALTER That “point’ in mind where we do our devotions. (The questions is: To what are we devoted?)
ANGER A form of projection of self-guilt intended to re-direct God’s punishment onto another. Used unconsciously as motional “proof” of our innocence.
ATONEMENT The process of correction which includes:
1-recognizing the problem , 2-asking for help, 3- listening to the Holy Spirit, 4- accepting and then acting on the Answer. Also the principle of love.
ATTACK The idea of separation held in the mind which then blocks full expression of love. Therefore, any unloving, non-peaceful thought is an attack.
AUTHORITY PROBLEM The fundamental problem. The belief we can have a will other than God’s Will, which places God in the seeming position of our enemy fighting us for power.
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