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Monday, February 1, 2021

New Mini Course - Loving Relationships - Special to Holy

                                                                              PART I 

The Basics of Loving Relationships 

Lesson 1 




        Ah, sweet mystery of life -- finding that perfect mate who matches your personality, who emotionally and sexually fits like a glove and who is committed to you through thick and thin for always!  To be able to unravel that mystery unfailingly would be worth, well, more than is imaginable.     

Finding the perfect mate in a world of imperfect personalities seems highly impossible and the journey just a touch risky.  But, oh, how humanity struggles on.  Perhaps a reality check is in order.


 Let’s start with a few points to remember:

        1.  Perfection is in the eye of the beholder.

        2.  You see only what you want to see.

     3. When depressed you actually look for a bleak world, and when enthused you look for upliftment.  You find just what you are looking for.

     4.  The see-saw of unstable emotions will create an unstable environment.

     5.  How can anyone seem perfect if you are constantly seeing them mutate according to your own shifting emotional state?


Questions to Contemplate and Discuss


1.    How have you seen your romantic relationships through the years?


2. How often do you question the idea of real love in your romantic relationships?


Notice how your mood will color how you feel and respond to the people around you, especially those you call partners.

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