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Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Lesson 4 - "Who's Minding Your Mind?"

 Lesson 4


Your Survival Skills are Killing You!


The Whirling Vortex of Hell


          You reject wisdom, fear love and defend yourself aggressively by finding fault in others.  You equate this action as an attack on God for you refuse His gifts of guidance, love and peace.  You believe you are a sinner.  This thought is projected outward and the world, as well as God, reflects the idea of rejection and attack.  You project your motives  onto God and they are seen as His.  You reason,   "God must feel rejected and angry.  He will demand vengeance and retaliation."  The mirror principle which started with a belief in self-guilt leads directly to fear of God, of Life, of Love!  The whirlpool has begun to suck you deeper into the vortex of emotional hell.

          Not only God is seen through the mirror principle - the whole world is.  You have rejected everyone and everything around you and expect them to be retaliatory.   The viral infection of victim-itis has now been spawned. Guilt  leads directly to the emotion of fear.  You feel alone, unworthy, vulnerable and victimized

          It seems easier to give up and be sucked down than to swim to the surface and survive.


Guilt, Fear and Anger – Tactics from Hell

          This unbearably painful emotional state demands correction, but your logical mind, using the mirror principle as verification hatches a devious plot.  Get rid of your pain by redirecting the wrath of God away from you.  Do this by relentlessly searching out the faults in others.  In other words, you project your own sense of guilt onto the world.  This tactic is called anger.  Anger points the finger of guilt away from you onto everyone and everything.  Anger becomes your self protection from a vengeful God.  Anger keeps the whirlpool spiraling downward, faster and faster.

          I hope you have noticed there is, however, one major flaw in this logic.  Anger is a form of attack on another and will lead directly to a renewed sense of self-guilt.  The error began there in the first place.  Self guilt brings fear of counter-attack and demands projections of blame.  Thus the vicious cycle of separation, guilt, fear and anger that leads to more separation, guilt, fear and anger continues to swirl in perpetual motion.

          Truth has become a commodity to be fought for, claimed and possessed.  Whoever has the truth is all powerful and can command obedience.  All will follow him who knows.  In other words it’s good to be a king!  Until, of course your rivals challenge you for the crown.

Thoughts to contemplate

and discuss

1.     When did you first hear that you were a sinner? If not, cool, but probably you have felt guilt and unworthiness at least a few times in your life, if not a few times each hour. Start with noticing how often this occurs and recognize the vortex is trying to suck you in.

2.     Notice how often you feel irritated if not downright angry. Who are you angry with? Can you notice how important it is to make someone else wrong? Review the above paragraphs explaining this dynamic.

3.     Take the time each day to want to be released of guilt, fear and anger. You only need to want this, the release will be done for you. (more on how this happens at another time) 

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